The project “Generating Social Impact Through Filming (ENACTING)” is a two-year project co-funded by the European Union under the ERASMUS+ KA227 “Partnerships for Creativity” programme (Agreement Number: 2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-008316).
The main project OBJECTIVE is to promote common values, inclusion, civic engagement and participation through skills development in the arts and innovative digital practices. Specific objectives: • To identify social challenges in local contexts and provide a concrete methodology for doing so. • To promote skills development in the artistic digital practice of developing a social documentary by providing a web-based training on social documentary development (ENACTING Οnline Course).
Empower Awareness
Promote Digital Means
Promote Skills Development
Enacting Οnline Course
The Enacting Οnline Course course will be built up of many bite-sized components, such as videos, infographics, podcasts etc. These components will be as modular or stand-alone as possible; the learning sequence will be designed to engage the learner by creating a modular experience to navigate through.